Configure Port Packet Drop/Error in Devices

To configure port packet drop/error through the device settings page:

  1. On the left navigation pane, click and under Physical, select the required device or cluster.
  2. Click Settings > Packet Errors and Drops. The Packet Errors and Drops page is displayed.
  3. Select or enter the following values:
  4. Field Description
    Port Type

    Port type for which the threshold is to be configured. Configuration for All Ports will be applied to all the ports (equivalent to the global level configuration in device CLI).

    Packet Drop Threshold

    Percentage and count value for packet drop threshold configuration for Rx and Tx.

    Packet Error Threshold

    Percentage and count value for packet error threshold configuration for Rx and Tx.

  5. Click Save and Apply to save and apply the configuration.

To configure threshold values for a specific port:

1.   Select Ports > Ports > All Ports. Select the Port ID of the port on which you want to configure the packet drop/error threshold.
2. Click Edit to open the port editor.
3. Under Alarms, configure the Packet Drop Threshold and Packet Error Threshold values in % and number for both Rx and Tx traffic.
4. Click OK to save the configuration.

The configuration is applied to that specific port.

Note:  To configure the threshold values globally for all the devices managed by GigaVUE-FM refer to Configure Port Packet Drop/Error in GigaVUE-FM

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